Vancouver police chief’s gift rejected at tense Indigenous ceremony
Vancouver police chief’s gift rejected at tense Indigenous ceremony

By Dirk Meissner THE CANADIAN PRESS BELLA BELLA, B.C.-Tension reached a high point during a trauma-healing ceremony when a hereditary chief walked across a sand-covered floor and returned the gift he had received from Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer. Police participation in the ceremony in Bella Bella, on B.C.’s remote central coast, was one of several conditions of settlement in a human rights complaint against the Vancouver Police Board by Maxwell Johnson who was wrongly arrested and handcuffed in 2019 with his then 12-year-old granddaughter. But the absence at Monday’s ceremony of the two constables who arrested the pair after they tried to open a bank account set off a fresh round of accusations of systemic racism against Vancouver’s police department that threatens to stall the process of reconciliation. “My

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