SN Band Council elections: 2 vying for elected chief
SN Band Council elections: 2 vying for elected chief

By Lynda Powless Editor Its official…Six Nations is in election mode. But there weren’t any large crowds out at the Six Nations community hall Saturday, Sept. 23, to watch who was running for Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC). Saturday’s nominations, for the coming November elections, saw two people running for Elected Chief. Former elected Chief Steve Williams and current councillor Sherri-Lyn Hill are pitting off for the job. Williams was nominated by former Elected Chief Ava Hill and Francis Russell Montour. Sherri-Lyn Hill was nominated by Carl Chancey Hill and Wanda Loy Hill. Current Elected Chief Mark Hill did not seek re-election after serving one term. Also not seeking re-election are councillors Nathan Wright and Michelle Bomberry. Nominations resulted in 14 people running for 12 councillor seats including six members

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