Six Nations resident facing child pornography charges released with conditions
Six Nations resident facing child pornography charges released with conditions

SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND RIVER-  A Six Nations resident facing  child pornography charges has been released with conditions. The 58-year-old  is facing child pornography charges after Six Nations Police,   with the assistance of OPP Digital Forensic Technicians, launched  a child pornography investigation here earlier this week. The conditions include: Notifing SNPS in writing of any change of address within 72 hrs. Reside with surety each and every night Not communicate with any witnesses in any manner Not attend any school on Six Nations Not communicate with children under the age of 18 unless in company of an adult who is over 21 and aware of the charges against the Accused and approved in advance by surety. Does not posses any weapons as defined by Criminal Code. Must surrender all

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