Six Nations Elected Council fails to respond to Iroquois Lodge: Inspection report allegations of sexual assault and patient care
Six Nations Elected Council fails to respond to Iroquois Lodge: Inspection report allegations of sexual assault and patient care

By Lynda Powless Editor Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) has not responded to Turtle Island News requests for comment on an Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care report revealing issues of care and an assault at the Iroquois Lodge and Nursing Home. An Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care report surfaced with allegations of a staff member sexually abusing a resident at the Iroquois Lodge and Nursing Home (ILNH) and said Six Nations Police were never notified. Six Nations Police Chief Darren Montour has confirmed the police department was not alerted to the assault. The report says the lodge also failed to provide proper care to at least two other residents resulting in infectious wounds and hospitalization in one case. Turtle Island News has learned SNEC did discuss the news article and report

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