Saskatchewan chiefs sounds alarm after new report finds high levels of suicide 
Saskatchewan chiefs sounds alarm after new report finds high levels of suicide 

SASKATOON- The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations says it’s alarmed by a new report that found disproportionate rates of self-harm and suicide among First Nations people in Saskatchewan. The report by the Saskatchewan Health Quality Council found that First Nations men die by suicide three times more often than their non-Indigenous counterparts and it rises to six times for First Nations women. First Nations women aged 15 to 25 had the highest rates of hospitalizations for self-harm. Vice Chief David Pratt says it’s time for action. He called on the provincial and federal governments to follow through on a letter of commitment they signed to address suicide and self-harm two years ago. Pratt says the federation has a five-year plan, but it needs long-term funding commitments for communities to implement their

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