Quebec to exhume remains of Innu boys whose families have questions about 1970 deaths
Quebec to exhume remains of Innu boys whose families have questions about 1970 deaths

 By Jacob Serebrin THE CANADIAN PRESS MONTREAL- For more than 50 years, two Innu families have been haunted by the question of whether their children actually died in a Quebec hospital and whether the coffins they were given really contained their child’s remains. The two infant boys died within days of each other in May 1970 at the same Baie-Comeau, Que., hospital. In both cases, the families were told not to open the coffins after learning their children had died. Those coffins are now scheduled to be opened for the first time after Quebec Superior Court Justice Nancy Bonsaint last week authorized the exhumation of the remains for DNA testing. The director of a Quebec association that helps Indigenous families looking for answers about children who have died or disappeared

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