By Marissa Lentz-McGrath, Local Journalism Initiative An animated short film showcasing heart health issues in remote Indigenous communities made its premiere at Canada’s largest short film festival. Strengthening Our Hearts through a River of Possibilities, produced by Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA), TRANSFORM HF, and the University Health Network (UHN), offers a unique perspective on managing heart health in the Cree communities of Moosonee and Moose Factory. It premiered at the 2024 Toronto Shorts International Film Festival on Aug. 23. Over the past couple of years, two community-sharing circles helped the filmmakers gather insight. Justice Seidel, a member of Moose Cree First Nation and the project’s community relations consultant, explained that the film visually narrates the experiences and themes discussed during these circles. “The animation illustrates the stories shared by
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