Mnoominkewin Gathering returning to Curve Lake First Nation on Sept. 23
Mnoominkewin Gathering returning to Curve Lake First Nation on Sept. 23

By Brendan Burke  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter CURVE LAKE- For members of Curve Lake First Nation, Mnoominkewin is much  more than just a word. Steeped in generations of cultural and spiritual significance, Mnoominkewin  carries an important meaning: the way of life, the art and the culture that  develops as community practises mnoominke _ an intergenerational method of  planting, tending, gathering and processing mnoomin wild rice known as “the Gift  of the Creator,” “the Good Seed” and the “Spirit Seed.” Now, community members are preparing for the fourth annual Mnoominkewin  Gathering, taking place on Sept. 23 at Curve Lake First Nation, northeast of  Peterborough. The private, but open-to-attend Mnoominkewin Gathering sees elders and  traditional knowledge holders, along with singers, drummers, Anishnaabemowin  language teachers, artists, chefs and community members come together for

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