Maritime baby eel fishers pan federal decision to close fishery over safety concerns
Maritime baby eel fishers pan federal decision to close fishery over safety concerns

By Keith Doucette THE CANADIAN PRESS HALIFAX -Ottawa’s decision to shut down the lucrative but contentious baby eel fishery in the Maritimes has effectively ended the 2023 season, says a commercial licence holder in southwestern Nova Scotia. Brian Giroux, of Shelburne Elver, a fishing co-op that employs 39 people, said the mandatory 45-day closure announced by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on Saturday will largely run out a season that normally wraps up in early June. “Illegal activities that (DFO) failed to control have taken away the fishing from the licensed and legal fishing,” Giroux said in an interview Monday. The federal department closed the fishery on rivers in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, citing safety and conservation concerns. The closure was announced following ongoing complaints from commercial and

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