- Stream Wawatay Radio HEREby chrisk on December 10, 2024 at 7:03 pm
Sioux Lookout CKWT 89.9 FM click the link below to listen: Timmins CJWT 106.7 FM click the link below to listen: Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: WawatayDate Published: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 01:59
- Chief Constant Honoured At Women In Mining Gala Eventby chrisk on November 25, 2024 at 1:45 pm
submitted photo Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation, was honoured with the Indigenous Trailblazer Award at the inaugural Women In Mining Sudbury Gala on November 21, 2024. She is pictured here with Mattagami FN staff and community members who joined her at the event. From L-R are: Mahdabiin McKay, Nicole Charbonneau, Wabun Tribal Council; Sarah McKay, Councillor Cindy McKay, Ivan McKay, Tessa Thomas, Chief Constant, Chelsea DeBastos, Julie McKay, Ava Naveau, Ameria Wesley, Councillor Dereck McKay, Ashley Naveau, Amanda Belanger and Sonia Corbiere. Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation was celebrated as one of the guests of honour at the inaugural Women In Mining Sudbury awards gala which was held on November 21. She was recognized as an Indigenous Trailblazer during the event in honour of her years of service and advocating for her First Nation as related to the mining industry. “I am very honoured to receive this recognition. As an Indigenous woman I’ve worked for many years for my community and for my people. As Indigenous people, we have a strong connection to the land and we always need to be at the table in negotiations to share our input, to speak our truth and participate in serving our traditional role of protectors of the land,” commented Chief Constant. She explained that as Indigenous people one of the most important roles of First Nations is in their ability and responsibility to represent environmental and ecological protections and preservation and to honour the culture and traditions of her people. “I grew up in a First Nation surrounded by all kinds of resource developments and mining exploration and initiatives with a history of operating on our lands with little or no inclusion of any representation from Indigenous people. This award by the Women In Mining Sudbury is a recognition of all of the work of past Chiefs and Councils as well as Elders from Mattagami First Nation who fought to make sure our voices were heard,” explained Chief Constant. She comes from a long line of leaders who have always represented their people and the land to secure real benefits for Mattagami FN members while protecting the land. Her great grandfather Chief Andrew Luke was the signatory to Treaty #9 between Mattagami FN and the government of Canada in 1906. Chief Luke was the first recognized Chief of Mattagami FN. “After my great grandfather Chief Andrew Luke signed that treaty, he realized later that what was promised on signing the treaty and what actually happened as time moved on was not fulfilled. As a result of his displeasure, he protested by refusing to take treat annuity payments for himself as he felt that he had failed his community,” said Chief Constant. Her family has advocated and fought for the rights of the community for generations. Her mother Joyce Luke, served as Chief, as did her uncle Gerald Luke and grandfather Alec Luke. “Thank you to Women in Mining Sudbury for this wonderful award. I truly am honoured and humbled for the recognition of my many years of working with mining companies and industry while representing First Nations objectives, initiatives and overall advocacy for sustainable and socially responsible mining in our territory. Thank you to Robin Roy for the nomination, to Jason Batise of Wabun Tribal Council and on behalf of the Wabun Chiefs, Krista Maydew of IAMGold, and Devin Naveau of Mattagami AKI for the support letters to my nomination,” commented Chief Constant. Mattagami FN is part of the Wabun Tribal Council along with the First Nations of Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post and Matachewan. Featured In Slider: noAuthor: Xavier KataquapitDate Published: Monday, November 25, 2024 - 20:42
- Annual Wabun Youth Gathering Held In Wilderness Locationby chrisk on August 15, 2024 at 3:57 pm
Photo by Jai'Lin Morningstar Canoe training and boat safety was provided by Organic Boat Shop to the youth at the recent Wabun Youth Gathering on the Misema River system in Beaverhouse FN territory. From L-R are: Greg Robertson, Drake Charbonneau, Cole Bennett, Noodin Morningstar, Ana Morningstar and Karli Charbonneau. Wabun Tribal Council hosted the 17th Annual Wabun Youth Gathering for senior Indigenous youth in Beaverhouse First Nation. The gathering which was held from August 12 to 15, 2024 is the second half of this annual gathering which is meant for youth from the ages of 14 to 18. The first part of the event was held in Mattagami FN on July 15 to 17 for junior aged youth. These annual events are hosted and organized by the Wabun Tribal Council Health Department with the support of the tribal council’s member First Nations. “This was a fun week. I got to learn more about fishing, gathering food and how to use the canoes properly. I also learned about my culture and my background. It feels good for me to learn about those things I don't know about my culture," said Drake Charbonneau, Matachewan First Nation youth. This was the first time the annual gathering was held at the Beaverhouse FN settlement on the shores of the Misema River system northeast of Kirkland Lake, Ontario. The water access only location provided a wilderness setting on historic First Nation territory that gave youth plenty of opportunities to live and learn about Indigenous culture, traditions and language on the land. “I am really happy to see people gathering on our settlement as it reminds me of all those times our families gathered here so many years ago. It all reminds me of my family, my parents and all the Elders who once lived here and how we all gathered together during important events. It feels good to see our community with so much life and activity with these young people,” said Elder Abraham Thiverge. Elder Thiverge was born in 1953 on the Misema River system not far from the current Beaverhouse FN settlement when his family followed a more traditional and land based lifestyle. He happily shared his stories of the traditional life he remembered as a child and the traditional language that his people spoke. Elder Laura Jean Flood of Matachewan FN also spent time with youth to take part in activities and to share her stories and wisdom. Elder Burt McKenzie acted as one of the boat operators to ferry people to the community and was there to encourage the youth. “We’re happy that Wabun chose to host their event at our settlement lands this year as it gives these young people a chance to see where our community is located and to know the history of our area,” commented Chief Wayne Wabie, Beaverhouse FN. This was the 17th annual event of the Wabun Youth Gathering which has been held in various wilderness locations every summer within one of Wabun Tribal Council First Nation territories in northeastern Ontario. “It was great to see our youth take part in this year’s event at the Beaverhouse First Nation settlement. This annual gathering is special to our youth as it allows them an opportunity to connect to other young people and to learn about their culture,” said Josee Forget, Wabun Regional Crisis Coordinator and event organizer. Daily events featured sharing circles and group gatherings where history, teachings and storytelling was taught by group facilitators and traditional teachers. Youth took part in daily activities including traditional fishing practices on the Misema River, arts and craft making, traditional Pow Wow dancing and bannock making. In the evenings, youth, adults, chaperones, organizers and community members regularly gathered for traditional story telling and sharing of local history around camp fires or a teepee that was made available for everyone. Special presentations were provided by visiting facilitators including Ozhawa Anung Kwe, a 2Spirit Anishinabe Storyteller and Advocate, from Rankin Reserve of Batchewana FN and by Scott Wabano, an IndigiQueer creative artist and advocate of Waskaganish FN. “We have to remind youth the importance of self care and self love as these are lessons that have always been deep rooted in our communities, our people and our heritage. I am here to remind youth of those lessons and that there is power in caring and loving yourself. I believe that this is what builds stronger individuals which goes on to build stronger communities,” commented Wabano. Wabun Health leadership and staff led the planning and development of this year’s event. “It’s important for us to host this annual summer gathering as it strengthens the bonds that these youth have with others and provides them with traditional and cultural teachings. We also invite local Elders to take part in these gatherings and connect with youth to share their stories, their wisdom and the history of their communities,” explained Angie Collins, Wabun Health Director. Canoe training was provided for the youth by Greg Robertson and Cole Bennett of Organic Boat Shop based in Beamsville, Ontario. The Wabun Youth Gathering originated through the vision and dream of Wabun Elder Thomas Saunders of Brunswick House FN who lobbied for a youth gathering. The first gathering was held in Mattagami FN in 2007 through the leadership of past Health Director Jean Lemieux of Matachewan FN. Sadly, Elder Saunders passed on before his dream came to be. Wabun Tribal Council is a regional territorial organization which represents the six First Nation communities of Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post, Matachewan and Mattagami in Northeastern Ontario and it is directed by its respective Chiefs. Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Xavier KataquapitDate Published: Thursday, August 15, 2024 - 22:55
- Seventeenth Annual Wabun Youth Gathering Celebrates Culture And Traditionsby chrisk on July 29, 2024 at 1:31 pm
Photo by Xavier Kataquapit. Mattagami First Nation hosted the 17th annual Wabun Youth Gathering July 15 to 19. Here we see the youth and organizers gathered at the community beach on Lake Mattagami. The 17th Annual Wabun Youth Gathering was held in Mattagami First Nation in a week long event from July 15 to 19 for over 38 First Nation youth. The event was organized by the Wabun Tribal Council Health Department with the support of the tribal council’s member First Nations. “Its important for us to keep this event going because our young people look forward to it every summer. They get to build life long friendships and stay connected to other youth and adults from the other communities. It’s a time for all of us to learn about our Indigenous heritage and to connect with the land. They get to learn from other each other and we adults get a chance to learn from the experience as well," explained Josee Forget, Wabun Regional Crisis Coordinator and event organizer. Organizers wanted to give youth participants plenty of exposure and awareness of cultural teachings and traditional activities. "We had a lot of activities like craft making, fun games, beach volleyball and swimming. This is my second year coming to this event and I really like it because I get to learn about my culture and I get to have fun with lots of people," said 13 year old Olivia Wincikaby of Matachewan FN. Participants camped out in tents on the beautiful sandy shores of Lake Mattagami right next to the community of Mattagami FN. Youth were supervised during their entire visit as well as receiving added 24 hour support and security by local members to monitor for reported bear sightings in the area. Daily activities included beach volleyball, water games, dream catcher making, soap stone carving, canoe racing and team games. Event facilitators provided educational programs for bear safety, internet safety and health education. Throughout the week, children were involved in a variety of group settings by the water, during meals or around a campfire where they met and learned from local Elders, traditional people and health educators to learn about First Nation culture, indigenous history and traditional legends and story telling. “This was a great event for our young people. Living on the land is a great part of our culture and heritage. Bringing them out on the land is a good way to teach them and connect them to land where their families are from,” said Elaine Daley, Matachewan FN who was a chaperone for youth. Wabun Health Director Angie Collins attended the event and Wabun Health staff were on hand including Debbie Proulx-Buffalo, Tony Miller, Faye Naveau and Erin Bondarenko. Children also received teachings from Elder Laura Jean Flood of Matachewan FN. Throughout the week adult chaperones from visiting communities supervised all youth and they were supported by local Mattagami FN members who provided support, services and assistance when it was needed. Daily meals were provided by the local catering services of husband and wife Darlene and Gary Naveau. Gary Naveau is also a former Chief of Mattagami FN. Youth were also treated to other fun activities and events including a travelling magic show by ‘The Magic Of Christophe’, a mobile Climb n’ Fun activity centre and a foam fun party. Chief Jennifer Constant of Mattagami FN attended the event earlier in the week to meet with Wabun Youth and show her support for the annual event. “Mattagami First Nation is honoured to host our brother and sister First Nation communities at our beautiful beach for this annual gathering. We know the importance of relationship building between our various nations and sharing new skills and cultural knowledge for our Wabun area youth. This annual gathering is an important event to share traditional knowledge and to support our youth,” commented Chief Constant. The Wabun Youth Gathering originated through the vision and dream of Wabun Elder Thomas Saunders of Brunswick House FN who lobbied for a youth gathering. The first gathering was held in Mattagami FN in 2007 through the leadership of past Health Director Jean Lemieux of Matachewan FN. Sadly, Elder Saunders passed on before his dream came to be. Wabun Tribal Council is a regional territorial organization which represents the six First Nation communities of Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post, Matachewan and Mattagami in Northeastern Ontario and it is directed by its respective Chiefs. Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Xavier KataquapitDate Published: Monday, July 29, 2024 - 20:28
- In loving memory of Kanina Kakekayashby chrisk on September 27, 2023 at 6:59 pm
Wacheeyea Booshoo On behalf of Wawatay Communications, from all staff, past and present, and from the board of directors. It is with profound sadness. We extend our deepest heartfelt condolences, To the family to the communities on the departed spirit of Kennina Kakekayash She was a dedicated and true servant to her people, To the elders. She dedicated her life to keeping the airwaves open. for the benefit of the elders she deeply respected. She was a strong believer in keeping the language and ensuring, the elders were the benefactors in all that Wawatay did. Kennina was committed to her work. She served as an Oji Cree language broadcaster over 40 years to the 49 communities of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Our condolences to her family and to everyone in the community of North Caribou Lake First Nation. Visitation and Service in Sioux Lookout Funeral Home Kanina Clara Kakekayash September 27, 2023 3:00 p.m. Officiating: Pastor Vanessa Moskotaywenene Opening Prayer: Pastor Vanessa Moskotaywenene Song by Family – niikaapiimootaten meskana Obituary – Linda Sakchekapo Song by Eric Kamenawatamin Verse Reading Thessalonians 4: 13-18 – read by Mary Faus and Clinton Family and Friends – Open Mic Gaetan St-Hilaire Song by Eric Kamenawatamin Sermon: Pastor Vanessa Moskotaywenene Song– by Family – Shall we gather at the River Thank you and Special Mention – George Sakchekapo Song by Linda Beardy- In the Sweet By and By Public Viewing Closing of Casket 5:00 p.m. Closing Prayer – Pastor Vanessa Moskotaywenene Announcements: Visitation and Funeral services will be held: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Wednesday, September 27, 2023 Sioux Lookout Funeral Home, Sioux Lookout, Ontario Officiated by: Pastor Vanessa Moskotaywenene 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Thursday, September 28, 2023 St. Andrews United Church hosted by River of Glory All Nations Church, Sioux Lookout, Ontario Officiated by: Reverend Bill Morris Funeral Service at St. Andrews United Church hosted by River of Glory All Nations Church, Sioux Lookout, Ontario Thursday, September 28, 2023 10:00 a.m. Officiating - Reverend Bill Morris Opening Prayer: Reverend Bill Morris Song and Sharing –Eric Kamenawatamin Eulogy by immediate family members and Reverend Bill Morris (each family member will say a few words) Family Song – Shall we gather at the river Sermon: Pastor Vanessa Moskotaywenene Song by Linda Beardy - What a day that will be. Viewing to start and Closing of Casket Linda Beardy, Eric Kamenawatamin, Hilda DeRose In the Sweet By and By Closing of the casket– 196 White Hymn Book to be led by Reverend Bill Morris (Family and Friends gather around the casket) 12:00 p.m. Closing Prayer – Reverend Bill Morris Processional Hymn – Pallbearers to take casket Interment at Hillcrest Cemetery Reverend Bill Morris/Jake Sawanis Pallbearers Jarvis Anderson Samuel Loon Mario Lalande George Sakchekapo Matthew Gordon Shane Sakchekapo Honorary Pallbearers Clinton Kakekayash Gaetan St-Hilaire Daniel Sakchekapo Nadine Meekis Dakota Sakchekapo Dominic Sakchekapo Ross Montour Ashley Kenequanash Natasha Sakchekapo Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Wawatay NewsDate Published: Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 01:51
- Northern Ontario First Nations Announce Decision To Partner With Hydro One To Develop Major New Greenfield Transmission Lineby chrisk on September 12, 2023 at 1:20 pm
The Wabun Tribal Council Chiefs announced their support to partner with Hydro One to develop an important power line project in Northeastern Ontario. The Wabun Chiefs undertook a comparative analysis of prospective private sector partners, assisted by expert consultation. The clear decision is that Hydro One provides the best way forward in terms of ability to perform and deliver, and that Hydro One offers a fair and equitable 50-50 partnership and has a proven track record with equity partnerships. “This is an opportunity we welcome, as Wabun Tribal Council and our member First Nations are well positioned to partner with Hydro One on this Transmission Infrastructure Partnership. We have been left out of the loop historically in terms of development on our traditional lands, so this partnership with Hydro One is one more example that there is reconciliation at work in real time. The Ontario government’s support to make this partnership project happen will go a long way to healing on the road to reconciliation,” explained Chief Chad Boissoneau of Mattagami First Nation. The five Wabun communities make up a majority of the potential coalition of First Nation communities that are proximate to the proposed project. The developmental coalition includes the Wabun First Nations of Mattagami, Brunswick House, Matachewan, Flying Post and Chapleau Ojibwe. The decision to partner with Hydro One came after an extensive review of the proponents’ proposals and included the independent review of consultants and financial experts. Partnering with Hydro One, an Ontario distribution and transmission company, will ensure that the Nations have access to the necessary financial backing and expertise required to complete the transmission line. Wabun Tribal Council Executive Director Jason Batise explained that the partnership with Hydro One is important in terms of economic development and pointed out that Wabun Tribal Council is a leader in Indigenous success working with resource developers in striving towards self sufficiency. “I am very proud of all the good work our Chiefs have done over the years in establishing Wabun Tribal Council and its First Nations as leaders in driving economic development. This work has resulted in many agreements and partnerships that honour our traditions and culture as well as protections on an environmental basis,” commented Batise. “With a 50 per cent equity stake in the line, these revenues will benefit our communities for generations to come.” “With the assistance of our Wabun Tribal Council administration, we as Wabun Chiefs have reviewed all of the analysis in determining which partner best fits with this huge power line development opportunity and our choice is without a doubt Hydro One. We trust that the Ontario regulators will provide us with a decision to move this project ahead in a timely manner,” said Chief Murray Ray, Flying Post First Nation. The proposed 230-kilovolt transmission line will span over 260 kilometres and connect the Wawa and Porcupine transmission stations, bringing important benefits to northeastern Ontario and the Indigenous communities in the region. The Ontario Ministry of Energy is presently undertaking its own comparative analysis to select a transmission company to develop the new greenfield line. Wabun Tribal Council (WTC) is a non-profit regional Chief’s Council that represents, advocates and provides services to six First Nations (Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post, Matachewan and Mattagami.) Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Xavier KataquapitDate Published: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 20:19
- Traditional Land Based Teachings For Wabun Youthby chrisk on August 22, 2023 at 3:32 pm
Land Based Teachings were featured during a recent gathering of Wabun Tribal Council youth. Here we see the group of youth with organizers, chaperones and facilitators. Wabun Tribal Council is a regional territorial organization which represents the six First Nation communities of Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post, Matachewan and Mattagami. (Photo provided by Wabun Health Services) Indigenous youth from the Wabun Tribal Council territory came together for a land based event at the 16th Annual Wabun Senior Youth Gathering. The event was held in western Ontario in Neebing, Ontario at the School Of Indigenous Learning (SOIL), a land based traditional facility. The week long event from August 15 to 17 was held for youth between the ages of 14 to 18. The event was organized by the Wabun Tribal Council Health Department with the support of the tribal council’s member First Nations. “It’s great to have this gathering every summer. I’ve been to this camp several times over the years and we all look forward to it as we get to make new friends and stay in touch with others we got know from other communities. It makes me happy to be here to see everyone, to learn about our culture and our language,” said 15 year old Kiara Millen, of Brunswick House First Nation. The youth gathering brought together Wabun youth to take part in activities to learn about culture, traditions and language on the land. Daily events featured traditional smudging ceremonies, sharing circles and group gatherings where history, teachings and storytelling was taught by Elders and traditional teachers. The daily teaching events also included traditional activities including birch bark making, language lessons and drumming and singing. “Our youth look forward to this annual gathering as it allows them to connect with friends they make from other First Nations. It keeps our youth connected to one another in a shared environment where they also get to learn about this history, their culture, their language and their people,” said Josee Forget, Wabun Regional Crisis Coordinator and event organizer. Wabun Youth took part in traditional food methods including the plucking and preparation of wild goose, as well as preparing and eating other wild foods including fish and moose meat. They spent evenings around camp fires where traditional stories and history was shared. They also spent several nights camping where they slept in a traditional teepees that were set up at the wilderness camp. One day of events included a hike in the nearby wilderness to a scenic lookout where they performed ceremonies and a drumming circle. Jeordi Pierre, owner and operator of the School Of Indigenous Learning (SOIL) features this land based organization as a facility to share and promote Indigenous culture to First Nation people, youth and the public at large to foster understanding and education on Indigenous issues. “Our youth deserve every opportunity to learn about their culture and history. These were such wonderfully attentive and helpful group of young men and women and it was pleasure to serve them,” commented Pierre. He and his mother Elder and Honourary Doctor Marlene Pierre, who are both from Fort William First Nation, lead the SOIL land based organization to provide traditional teachings and sharing. They work together with Dorothy Rody, a traditional teacher who is from Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek. Lessons and presentations at the Wabun Youth Gathering were also provided by health care teachers about health lifestyles and self care. Special lessons were also provided to youth concerning gender diversity, suicide prevention and grief counselling. Facilitators from the Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre assisted in guiding the youth. “It felt good to be around people where we were all able to laugh, share stories and have a lot of fun. I got to reconnect to many people I got to know over the years. This gathering is special for me because it will be the last time I can take part as a youth participant. But I hope to come back again as a chaperone in the future,” explained 18 year old Leeon Prince, of Mattagami FN. Prince is one of many Wabun youth over the past 16 years who have attended the annual gathering over the years starting as a junior participant and then graduating to the senior event. At the end of the week of events, the Wabun Youth were also given a tour of Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. Wabun Health leadership and staff led the planning and development of this year’s event. “This is an important event for our young people as we need to expose them to land based events where we can place them in a traditional setting. When we spend time on the land we are more able to share the traditional teachings and lessons of our people’s past,” explained Angie Collins, Wabun Health Director. The Wabun Elder for the event was Elder Laura Flood of Matachewan FN. The Wabun Youth Gathering originated through the vision and dream of Wabun Elder Thomas Saunders of Brunswick House FN who lobbied for a youth gathering. The first gathering was held in Mattagami FN in 2007 through the leadership of past Health Director Jean Lemieux of Matachewan FN. Sadly, Elder Saunders passed on before his dream came to be. Wabun Tribal Council is a regional territorial organization which represents the six First Nation communities of Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post, Matachewan and Mattagami in Northeastern Ontario and it is directed by its respective Chiefs. Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Xavier KataquapitDate Published: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - 22:30
- Life In The Fast Lane For Local Indigenous Car Racing Coupleby chrisk on June 28, 2023 at 2:10 pm
Indigenous Car Racing Couple Brianna Julien, of Matachewan First Nation and Morgan Meaniss, of Beaverhouse First Nation, are racing on the Northern Ontario event circuit. They are pictured here in front of Meaniss’s 1977 Chevy Camaro Z28. (submitted photo) An Indigenous car racing couple Morgan Meaniss and Brianna Julien are taking their love of vehicles on the road. Meaniss is a member of Beaverhouse First Nation and Julien is a member of Matachewan First Nation in Northern Ontario. The couple have been on the northern racing circuit for a few years as Meaniss entered his first car in 2016 and Julien in 2020. Recently they participated in the Kirkland drag racing event June 23, 24 and 25. They are looking forward to attending this year’s Kirkland Lake TNT drag racing event on August 18, 19 and 20 as well as the Bonfield Fall Classic Race event near North Bay in September. “We like to race because we get to chase the adrenaline every time we go down the track. It is like meditation for us. In the race, you don’t worry about anything else for those few seconds. For us, nothing matters during race weekends except for how our cars are performing and we enjoy being together with everyone who we consider our racing family,” explained Julien. The couple take part in a type of car competition known as drag racing which is also referred to as bracket racing. They regularly take part in racing events at the annual Kirkland Lake TNT drag races at the Kirkland Lake Airport. They also travel every year to events at the Bonfield Event Park drag races near North Bay and Circuit au Bosquet drag races near Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. “The best part about being an Indigenous racing couple is in showing our communities and First Nations a sport that not a lot of people are aware of. It’s exciting every time we see a familiar face in the crowd cheering us on. When you get to share your love for the sport with your best friend, there is no better feeling,” said Meaniss. The young couple met during middle school in Kirkland Lake and the annual Wabun Tribal Council Youth Gathering and they have been racing together for years. Both of their First Nations are part of the Wabun Tribal Council. Meaniss, who works full time as a mechanic, maintains and services both their cars including his 1977 Chevy Camaro Z28 and her 1985 Chevy Camaro Z28. The 1985 car which Meaniss purchased when he was only 13 years of age, was rebuilt by him for Julien when she decided to race. They were both introduced to the world of automotive mechanics and car racing through Julien’s stepfather the late Chris Lambert. He worked as an entrepreneur shop owner in the Kirkland Lake area for many years. At one point Meaniss was mentored by Lambert when he was still in high school. “Chris was a wonderful father to our family and he was an excellent mentor to Morgan as he passed on so much knowledge and his love of automobiles to both of us. He gave us this passion for cars that we both enjoy on the racing circuit today,” commented Julien. Her car now includes a window decal in memory of her late stepfather. Meaniss receives sponsorship from Kirkland Lake Towing and Julien’s car is sponsored by FXR Racing. Meaniss’s grandfather, the legendary late Chief Roy Meaniss was a long time advocate and representative of their First Nation community of Beaverhouse FN. The First Nation struggled for over a century on their lands near Kirkland Lake as their people had First Nation heritage but no official First Nation status. They had been overlooked and ignored in the treaties that were created in this part of northern Ontario in the early 1900s. Chief Meaniss was instrumental in keeping his community represented and in working towards gaining official recognition for his people for many years. Although he was not able to see it, his tireless work and dedication to his community culminated with Beaverhouse FN gaining recognition from the government of Canada in April 2022 under Chief Wayne Wabie. “I am so happy to know that my grandfather as Chief had done so much for our people and I know that he would be very proud of the path we are on with racing in our traditional territory today,” commented Morgan Meaniss. To follow their racing career, just search for their names on Facebook to see their latest racing events and photos. Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Xavier KataquapitDate Published: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 21:08
- Dilico Christmas wish campaign a successby chrisk on December 20, 2022 at 7:57 pm
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care staff Tom Auger and Vanessa McLaughlin pose with some the 800 Christmas Wish bags that were filled through Dilico’s 2022 Christmas Wish Campaign. Photo by Rick Garrick. Dilico Anishinabek Family Care’s 2022 Christmas Wish Campaign was successful in achieving its goal of filling 800 Christmas Wish bags for local babies, children and youth across Thunder Bay and district. “We are truly moved by the generosity of the community,” says Darcia Borg, executive director at Dilico. “Every year we see so many individuals and families making Christmas Wish one of their holiday traditions and we’re proud to say that this year is no exception. For children who may not otherwise receive the gift they hope for at Christmas, this is an opportunity to bring them joy. Every child deserves to feel special and due to the generosity of this community, hundreds of children will now have their Christmas wishes come true.” Vanessa McLaughlin, assistant director at Dilico, says there was a great response from the community to the Christmas Wish Campaign, which ran for about three weeks in November and early December. “People have enjoyed shopping for the gifts,” McLaughlin says. “A lot of families are buying the bags for children who are similar ages as their own and it turns into a family affair, so it’s been really good.” Tom Auger, assistant director at Dilico, says the Christmas Wish Campaign is very well received by the children and youth. “They love getting these Christmas Wish bags,” Auger says. “It’s just exciting for them, our workers show up at the home and drop off the gifts so it’s an exciting time for them.” Sherry Lessard, manager at Sovereign Dental, says it is very important to continue being involved with the Christmas Wish Campaign because the need in the community is so strong. “With our office being a pediatric specialty office also, we are seeing a lot of these children coming into our office,” Lessard says. “Seeing the size of their hearts, we want to just increase that size of their heart and give back to them. The feedback is awesome, and (we’re) hoping we encourage others to give and to donate. Any little bit can help make a little one’s morning just a little more special.” The Christmas Wish bags were filled with toys and basic necessities tailored to the needs and wishes of each child, including dolls, LEGO, toothbrushes and warm mittens. “We want to extend a giant Chi Miigwetch/thank you to Thunder Bay,” says John Dixon, director of Integrated Services at Dilico. “From individuals and families to workplaces, so many people have stepped up to provide support and donations for children in need. Many of the Christmas Wish bags were filled by people who have made Christmas Wish a tradition in their families for years, and we’re so grateful for this ongoing generosity.” One unnamed individual shared her story of tradition with the Christmas Wish Campaign, noting that she had always wanted a jewelry box with a lid that opened to a dancing ballerina when she was a little girl. “As a family tradition, we have participated in Dilico’s Christmas Wish Campaign for years and we always choose the profile of a little girl,” she says. “Together, we enjoy shopping for the items on her wish list and imagining her joy as she opens her gifts on Christmas morning, including her very own jewelry box with a dancing ballerina.” The Christmas Wish Campaign was launched on Nov. 17 at Creekside Nursery and Garden Centre’s Christmas Market in Thunder Bay with an option for participants to add a copy of Dilico’s new book, How I Found My Voice, which is about a young Indigenous person searching for the courage to speak up, to a Christmas Wish bag. Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Rick GarrickDate Published: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - 02:55
- DGC Narcisse highlights importance of Treaties Recognition Weekby chrisk on November 25, 2022 at 3:32 pm
Deputy Grand Chief Bobby Narcisse delivered a presentation on how treaties have impacted First Nations people during a Treaties Recognition Week talk at Confederation College in Thunder Bay. Photo by Rick Garrick. Deputy Grand Chief Bobby Narcisse highlighted how treaties have impacted First Nations people during his Treaties Recognition Week talk on Nov. 11 at Confederation College in Thunder Bay. “We all are treaty people, but I’m here to speak to you about the true history of this country and how this country called Canada was formed on a litany of broken legal agreements, broken promises and mistruths and how this has caused two Canadas to exist,” Narcisse says. “One Canada tells itself that it is a model to the outside world when it comes to human rights and a wealth of opportunities granted to all who live within its borders, from universal health care to free public education, access to the job market, the right to vote and chase the dream of home ownership and acquiring various things like an SUV or a boat and motor.” Narcisse says this is not the Canada that many First Nations people have experienced across Treaty 5 and Treaty 9, which cover the northern two-thirds of Ontario. “Our ancestors signed those treaties with the Crown, with the government of Canada and even with Ontario,” Narcisse says. “We entered into these treaties with the newcomers, the settlers in absolute and good faith. Back then we’ve heard stories and historical references where we lived on helping each other, assisting the newcomers. They thought this would be the same with us, that they’d create a society where we would all prosper jointly.” Narcisse says Canada has broken every treaty that it signed with First Nations people. “As a result our children do not have the same rights, privileges and freedoms as non-Indigenous students,” Narcisse says. “One of my portfolios is child welfare — we are constantly working with our First Nations families and children to get them equitable services at the community level.” Narcisse says the Royal Proclamation issued by King George III in 1763 contained provisions to recognize and protect land rights, including title of Indigenous nations. “The Proclamation established protocols for dealing with Indigenous nations and set up a treaty process which required there be consent between two parties, that compensation be provided for any lands or resources secured by the Crown,” Narcisse says. Narcisse says they often get questions about what treaties are. “Some people don’t think treaties are real, they don’t think they mean the same as laws but that’s not true,” Narcisse says. “Treaties are a formal agreement between two or more nations, treaties between Indigenous people and the Crown are solemn agreements that set out promises, obligations and benefits for both parties.” Narcisse says First Nations people entered into treaties with the understanding that both sides would benefit. “This hasn’t happened yet, there’s inroads going into that but it really hasn’t happened,” Narcisse says. “People in general need to be educated about the true history of this country.” Narcisse says Treaty 5 and Treaty 9 are among about 70 historic treaties recognized by the Crown. “Historic treaties combined with policies such as the Indian Act have served to control … and diminish our peoples, move us off the land so others could come and reap the rewards for these lands of plenty that we have,” Narcisse says. “In doing so, these treaties have penned our peoples into tiny tracts of land where our peoples could not prosper as well as non-First Nations people coming from Europe and the British Isles.” Narcisse says the First Nation ancestors would not have signed the treaties if they knew that would happen. “The number one goal (of our First Nations) was to protect our families, our children, our land and our ways of life,” Narcisse says. “Our ancestors believed and agreed to share the lands and resources and to live peacefully and coexist together. We never gave rights to the land away.” Narcisse says the first promise of the treaty was broken from the start, that all those who signed the treaty would physically ratify it once it was written up. “Anishinabek and Mushkegowuk peoples never actually physically saw and ratified the treaty again,” Narcisse says. Narcisse adds that widespread public education was promised under the treaty. “But instead of fully functional proper schools in our communities, a side deal was made with a religious order to establish and run Indian residential schools all throughout our lands and territory,” Narcisse says. “These schools in no way honoured the spirit and intention of the treaties our people signed, quite the opposite.” Narcisse says First Nations people were also shut out of resource extraction and sharing the wealth of the land and many business developments in the north and their voices have consistently been ignored at negotiating tables. “This has prevented us from exercising legal rights to be the stewards of the land and making more sustainable development happen in northern Ontario, especially within our treaty areas,” Narcisse says. “There is no way our forefathers would have signed an agreement that allowed this or kept our people shut out of development, leaving us as paupers in our own land, unable to create and live in stable, clean affordable housing within our communities.” Featured In Slider: yesAuthor: Rick GarrickDate Published: Friday, November 25, 2022 - 22:30