HEC plays host to Indigenous economic summit
HEC plays host to Indigenous economic summit

By Marc Lalonde  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter  06/06/2024  Hydro-Quebec CEO and Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL) Chief Ghislain Picard were among the headliners for an Indigenous economic summit held Monday at the Universite de Montreal’s prestigious Hautes Etudes Commercials business school. The Gathering of the Grand Economic Circle of Indigenous Peoples and Quebec brought together about 300 participants to the day-long event, which was co-organized by the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC) and First Nations Executive Education (FNEE) and featured a number of presentations and networking opportunities. FNEE is an HEC-run program for Indigenous leaders and features a number of development programs for Indigenous community, economic and entrepreneurial leaders. The department played host to the event, which featured such presentations as one

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