‘Freedom Convoy’ Facebook page evidence shows influence and arrests of organizers 
‘Freedom Convoy’ Facebook page evidence shows influence and arrests of organizers 

By Laura Osman THE CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA-After weeks of protest during one of the coldest months of the winter, “Freedom Convoy” organizer Chris Barber recorded himself on a walk through the blockaded streets of Ottawa as supporters stopped him to ask him for photos. In a video posted Feb. 12, 2022, one person who ran into Barber on the street called him a “hero” as protesters chanted “Trudeau has to go” just off camera. “We’re nothing but peace and love out here,” Barber said in the video, gesturing at the protest zone, which stretched for blocks around Parliament Hill and into residential neighbourhoods. The scene was played in court Tuesday, where the Crown is trying to prove that Barber and his fellow organizer, Tamara Lich, exerted control and influence on

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