Dispute over unrecognized Inuit group halts major conference for Canadian North
Dispute over unrecognized Inuit group halts major conference for Canadian North

The Canadian Press  29/08/2024  A 16-year-old biennial event aimed at fostering business in the country’s eastern Arctic and northern regions has been cancelled indefinitely as a dispute unfolds between Inuit and a Labrador group claiming to share their heritage. The Northern Lights Business and Cultural Showcase is one of the largest trade shows in the country, introducing businesspeople in the rest of Canada to those in Labrador, Nunavik and Nunavut, said Julianne Griffin, chief executive of the Labrador North Chamber of Commerce. She said the event had to be paused, however, after Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the organization representing Inuit in Canada, said it would ask its members not to participate if the NunatuKavut Community Council in Labrador was invited. “We know that discussions need to take place between the right

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