Councillor warns legal alcohol sales could hit Six Nations
Councillor warns legal alcohol sales could hit Six Nations

Six Nations could see legal alcohol sales cropping up in the community. That is, if Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) doesn’t oppose alcohol sales local convenience stores could apply to sell it in the community. Councillor Cynthia Jamieson told SNEC at the General Council meeting on November 26, that if they don’t want alcohol sold in the community, they need to make that clear – quickly. Jamieson attended the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) Ontario Joint Gathering November 5 to 7 and Jeff Skye, Chief of the Anishinabek Police Service expressed concerns about the impact of alcohol sales on communities because Premiere Doug Ford’s recent change to Ontario’s alcohol and gaming regulations that allow convenience stores to sell alcohol also applies to on-reserve convenience stores. Owners are eligible to apply for

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