By Bob Weber THE CANADIAN PRESS YELLOWKNIFE- The scale of the cleanup required at the Giant Mine almost beggars belief. Eight open mine pits. Six tailings ponds. About 100 buildings, many laced with asbestos. Untold tonnes of rusting scrap. A 900-hectare surface site poisoned with 13.5 million tonnes of arsenic, with a creek flowing through it that drains into Great Slave Lake. And the kicker, there are 237,000 tonnes of arsenic stored underground in 13 huge, poorly mapped subterranean chambers, sealed off behind crumbling concrete bulkheads and sitting uncovered in huge dunes of highly soluble poison adjacent to the lake. Removing that arsenic, the preferred solution of many northerners, would require workers to go deep underground into poorly understood environments wearing hazmat suits with separate air supplies. Even if possible,
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